
50+ Reasons You Should Start Cleaning and Tidying Your House Now

Are you feeling lazy to do your chores? Do you need motivation to clean your house? I’ve got you covered. This list can help you start cleaning today and overcome procrastination.

We all have one of those days when we feel extremely indolent and unmotivated to clean or tidy our house. No matter how hard you want to clean your house, it’s always easy to ignore those messy wardrobe or piles of dirty dishes in the sink. How many times have you overlook those dust that have covered the furnitures? How long more until you finally scrub off those mold in the bathroom? When was the last time you clean the fridge and dispose those expired foods that may harm you?

Cleaning doesn’t have to be a hard work if you do it one by one, regularly and not all at once. When you see the dirty spot on the toilet bowl, brush it off. When you notice there are dust on the mirror, wipe it. When you spill your drink on the floor, clean it right away. When the washing machine stops spinning, hang the laundry immediately and don’t leave it there for hours. Isn’t it easier if you do your housework one task at a time like that?

But if you have been neglecting these small tasks until they have accumulated into big fat task, in the end you still have to do it, don’t you? Especially if you have the time to read this while knowing there’s a housework that you should do, you should do it now.

Don’t you feel tired of convincing yourself that you will do it later, but that later became hours and days and then week until you finally feel too overwhelmed with all those chores you need to get done? When you finally do clean up, it will take up a lot of energy and you will feel exhausted. It will make you unhappy and you will hate cleaning even more. Enough of that already.

We’ve all been there. Laziness is often a sign of lack of motivation and you will never get out of it if you keep feeding it. When those days come, sometimes motivation is all you need to give yourself a little boost to start being productive and get things done.

Here are 50+ reasons and reminders to get you motivated to start cleaning and organising your house now.

  1. Because you are fortunate enough to have a house.
  2. Because there are homeless people who wish they have a house.
  3. Because many people don’t even have bed or clothes to change into.
  4. Because a clean house is a healthy house.
  5. Because it will improve the quality of your indoor air.
  6. Because it will help protect your family from harmful bacteria.
  7. Because you will help others by donating unused items that you find around your house when you clean.
  8. Because it will make you feel accomplished.
  9. Because you will save more money by keeping your house clean and organised.
  10. Because you won’t feel embarrassed if someone suddenly pays a visit.
  11. Because your visitor won’t tell others that your house is dirty.
  12. Because your friends will love to come over and spend more time with you.
  13. Because your friends will tell others that your house is beautiful.
  14. Because it will boost your confidence when you have a clean house.
  15. Because you will be happy and feel better about yourself.
  16. Because it will help you sleep better without worrying about clutter.
  17. Because it will save more time if you clean now than waiting until more furnitures are covered by dust.
  18. Because you will help the environment by taking care of your house.
  19. Because you will feel relax and comfortable in your own home.
  20. Because it is your house, not the ants’.
  21. Because your family will thank you for that.
  22. Because your roommate will like you more.
  23. Because a clean and tidy house will lift up your mood.
  24. Because sandy floor is only acceptable at the beach.
  25. Because you will feel less stressed being at home.
  26. Because you are a reliable and responsible person.
  27. Because dusty furnitures look disgusting and make you sneeze.
  28. Because dirty dishes have killed more marriages than cheating ever did.
  29. Because you will have space to do more things that you love.
  30. Because you will be more creative in a tidy room.
  31. Because organising is fun and rewarding.
  32. Because a clean house will contribute to your sense of well-being.
  33. Because your feet or socks will stay clean stepping on a clean floor.
  34. Because your house will smell better without those rubbish.
  35. Because clutter-free room will help you focus on doing work.
  36. Because you won’t have problem with bugs and insects in a clean house.
  37. Because cleaning will lift up your mood.
  38. Because rubbish attracts germs and causing illness.
  39. Because you might find things that you lost under those piles of clutter.
  40. Because unorganised room is confusing and not attractive.
  41. Because laziness is the root of bustle.
  42. Because your parents will be proud of you.
  43. Because your mother in law will praise you.
  44. Because you can take pictures around your house and won’t feel embarrassed to upload it online.
  45. Because cleaning is beneficial for your mental health.
  46. Because it will make your house Instagram-worthy.
  47. Because it will make your house Pinterest-worthy.
  48. Because you can get lost in a messy room.
  49. Because cockroach likes to build a nest in dirty and cluttered stuff.
  50. Because dirty room will not magically clean itself.
  51. Because clothes will be wrinkled in a cramped closet.
  52. Because there are lots of cleaning hacks that can make cleaning easy.
  53. Because expired foods are deadly and dangerous.
  54. Because you can touch everything without your finger being dusty.
  55. Because spider web is the house of… spider!
  56. Because mosquitos bites aren’t cool.
  57. Because doing household burns calories.
  58. Because you won’t accomplish anything if you keep postponing.

I hope this list can eventually help you stop ignoring those dusty cabinets or piles of laundry that has formed a mountain. So grab yourself the cleaning tools and start cleaning now!

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