
8 Worth-Reading Books for a Clean and Tidy Home

Have you been dreaming of having a clean and organised home that you can proudly show and enjoy, but not sure where to begin? Well, sometimes, a good book is all we need to kickstart that exciting journey.

Check out these 8 worth-reading books — each presenting its own unique perspective on homemaking — that provide invaluable motivation and are truly inspiring.

1. Spark Joy, by Marie Kondo

Spark Joy is one book you shouldn’t miss when you want to start decluttering your home, especially if you are fond of Japanese organising style. The idea of this book is to keep only things that spark joy and eliminate the rest so you will have a home filled with only things you love.

Marie Kondo, the author, has gained massive attention worldwide from her bestselling book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up”. While both books are equally great, each offers different approach. “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up” gives you fundamental concept and explains how you should think of your relationship with material possessions in your life. In addition, “Spark Joy” is more about the detailed guide with step by step instructions on how you should actually deal with those items.

“Discarding is not the point; what matters is keeping those things that bring you joy. If you discard everything until you have nothing left but an empty house, I don’t think you’ll be happy living there. Our goal in tidying should be to create a living environment filled with the things we love.”

Marie Kondo, Spark Joy

2. Organise Your Home, by MaryAnne Bennie

Organise Your Home” is a comprehensive guide that focuses on decluttering and organising your home for greater functionality. The book offers practical advice on creating efficient storage systems and simplifying your home, leading to a less chaotic and more harmonious living space. With insightful tips and strategies, it empowers you to tackle the challenges of clutter, providing a roadmap to transform their spaces into well-organised and peaceful environments for your daily life.

This book delves into details of home organisation, covering topics like decluttering, implementing effective storage solutions, managing time, and cultivating a warm and inviting atmosphere. This book will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to create a home that promotes comfort, productivity, and a sense of tranquility.

Another worth-reading book from the author: From Stuffed to Sorted.

3. Clean My Space, by Melissa Maker

Clean My Space” is a book that addresses various aspects of cleaning, from fundamental decluttering and cleaning routines to tackling specific cleaning challenges and creating homemade cleaning remedies. Renowned for her YouTube channel and cleaning expertise, the author shares practical advice, strategies, and solutions for maintaining a pristine and well-ordered home.

This book serves as a valuable resource if you’re looking to transform your home into cleaner, healthier, and more organised environment. It underscores the importance of cleaning as a form of self-care and provides advice to make the cleaning process more manageable. Whether you’re passionate about cleaning or simply looking to enhance your cleaning practices, this book delivers valuable methods to help you achieve a cleaner and more orderly home.

4. Simply Clean, by Becky Rapinchuk

If you’re looking for a book that offers straightforward and practical guidance for efficient house cleaning, “Simply Clean” is the ideal choice. Authored by a cleaning expert, this book provides helpful strategies for decluttering and keeping your home in top shape as well as helping you effectively manage your household chores.

A valuable lesson I’ve taken from this book and successfully applied is the “10 minutes a day” cleaning strategy. I also love the concept of rotating tasks, with daily, weekly, monthly, and semi-annual cleaning routines.

5. The Complete Book of Home Organization, by Toni Hammersley

The Complete Book of Home Organization” is a insightful guide that will assist you in decluttering, organising, and transforming your home into an efficient, well-structured, and clutter-free space. The author, known for her popular blog on home organisation, shares a wide spectrum of her expertise in this book, from practical decluttering techniques to creating functional storage solutions and maintaining a clean and tidy living environment.

The most interesting and useful aspect of this book is that it has 200+ tips and projects that include advice on organising different rooms in the house, managing possessions, and establishing daily routines to help you maintain an orderly home. It serves as a complete resource for anyone seeking to simplify their home and create a more peaceful, functional, and organised living environment.

6. The Hip Girl’s Guide to Homamaking, by Kate Payne

The Hip Girl’s Guide to Homemaking” is a delightful book that presents a modern and creative approach to homemaking and DIY home-related projects. The author offers a wide range of tips and advice on how to optimise your living spaces, cultivate a welcoming home, and embrace the art of homemaking.

Filled with charming ideas, this book provides practical, non-perfectionist strategies to guide you on your homemaking journey, encompassing varied elements of home life, including home decor, cooking, cleaning, and DIY projects. It also encourages readers to adopt an eco-friendly and sustainable approach to homemaking, focusing on simplicity and self-sufficiency. It’s a guide tailored to the modern, creative homemaker who aspires to infuse their living environment with a personal touch.

7. The Naturally Clean Home, by Karyn Siegel-Maier

As the title suggests, “The Naturally Clean Home” is a book that focuses on natural, eco-friendly cleaning solutions and practices for maintaining a clean and healthy home. This book has a wide range of recipes and tips for creating homemade cleaning products using non-toxic and environmentally friendly ingredients.

This book not only covers a variety of green cleaning but also prioritises creating your cleaning products from common household items like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. It provides specific cleaning solutions for various places in your home, emphasising the benefits of reducing chemical exposure and promoting a more sustainable and natural approach to cleaning that helps you avoid harsh chemicals and toxins commonly found in commercial cleaning products. This book can assist you in achieving a cleaner, safer, and more environmentally conscious home.

8. Goodbye, Things, by Fumio Sasaki

Having piled of junk in your house and not sure what to do about it? Well, “Goodbye, Things” might give you that boost of motivation to part with things we no longer use without the guilt. This book tells a journey of how the author gets rid of so many of his possessions including hundreds of books, CDs and DVDs that he’s been collecting over the years, as well as expensive multimedia devices, fancy clothes, school yearbook albums, etc. etc. He takes minimalism to an entirely new level until, I imagine, there’s nothing much left in his house.

While I don’t believe you have to be an extreme minimalist like the author of this book to enjoy a clean and tidy home, personally, I love this book because it presents many interesting ideas that have opened up new perspectives on how I see the items in my house. If you’re into minimalism, I can’t recommend this book enough.

“Why do we own so many things when we don’t need them? What is their purpose? I think the answer is quite clear: We’re desperate to convey our own worth, our own value to others. We use objects to tell people just how valuable we are.”

Fumio Sasaki, Goodbye, Things

Whether you’re an aspiring minimalist, a seasoned organiser, or simply seeking a more efficient home, these books are a treasure trove of knowledge. As you incorporate the lessons and strategies from these books into your daily life, you’ll discover that a clean and tidy home can be a source of peace, productivity, and inspiration.

A little tip for when you want to casually read books you’re not sure you’ll love: borrow it from the library or get the e-book version! This way, you won’t feel guilty if you don’t manage to finish it, and there will be less clutter in the house.

Happy reading!

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